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Saturday, September 15, 2012


weekend is here again. i love weekend. it is the day that we can longing for the whole day without care. yes, that was the past, history, after the emerging of my 4 boys, now it is totally the different scenario.

tomorrow is Sunday. i've promised Abang and Hakeem to buy them Ultramens. blue and red. actually tonite we went to this local shopping complex Hopoh at 9pm to get their new facinations. unfortunately it is closing time. such a heart broken time for those two ultramen fan boys since we have to leave that white squared building empty handed. Hakeem couldnt accept the reality that the shop can be closed, keep asking why the mission come to a halt. spoiling his mood, everything now suddenly centralised on that action hero that he couldnt have. the weird thing for him was that it is so close yet so far, of course la, went there then still dont buy any bahhh. hmmm

abang, he is the cunning one. he aim for somthing else, Machinarium in the ipad. he is so obsessed with that robot game, he is teaching Hakeem to become the robot and mimicks the actions. then both of them walking around the house try to solve imaginative obstacles, just like the game. the game actually tageting at young adult and it is indeed quite hard without any walktrough. during our dinner, i tought him that walktrough can be accessed from you tube. i can see his eye gleaming with excitemnet. the ipad battery wont last longer after this....

as for aeidad, he is in this button, gadget, messing phase. enjoying the kindy singing video, cars 2, scribbling, eating with his hand and still think that his little brother is a toy. Baby Momo, most of the time fighting his pacifier, can only see yet cannot respond to his brothers kissing and taps on the head. aisehh, i still wonder, what that ultramen syndrom suddendly caught those two? i dont see any monster attcking japan in XD Disney channel lately. ahhh kids...love them

Monday, October 3, 2011

presentation of the backyardheroes

Hi, im back. Im using my wife's netbook now. pink and all. yeah, why pink always associated with girlie thingie uh? my sales management lecturer demand that pink is now a unigender color. Shes a sales management guru, makes sense. selling everything...

Tomorrow i have to do a presentation. In English presentation class it is. we have to come up with one title and bla bla bla about it for 15 minutes. kinda tricky. sounds easy. but naaahhh, believe me, to find the title already half of the agony.

my wife suggest me to do the heroes. good idea. since i have three of them, i'll allocate 5 minutes each on every of them. so, this is my preparation for tomorrow. wow, im doing my assignment while posting my latest blog. pat on me shoulder.

lets start with Abang, Naseem Eusoff. Born on 29 may 2006. leader of the pack. cunning, mischievious, fun, friendly and sarcastic. Then Rashard Hakeem aka Maeko. Born 4 February  2008. not a really handy man of his older brother. but miss him very much if he is not around. really loves gadget. have bruce lee hair do. smart, fast thinking, physical approach and adorable. last, mr Aeidad Nadeem. Born 20 May 2010. suprisingly not as hairy as those two and thats lead to bruce willis nickname. basically still a baby, a keen follower of his brothers hoohaa. knows only few words that important to an  infant, such as mama, mamam, nenen, gogok(?) and others gibberish. sounds cute though. yup, as other normal brotherhood hoodness, Aeidad always get the bullied part.

Bullied. Poor aeidad being the youngest, of course only knows limits vocab. words uttered, a laughing stock for his brothers. always being blamed for something went wrong, spilled water, scribbles on the wall, mess in a room... The actual culprit? You can guess who.

Those two, as i mentioned earlier loves Kick buttowski. The daredevil cartoon. The influence is so strong, i suggest you better put some password on your satellite TV. they can spend hours in their room mimicks Buttowski act. Then comes Aeidad. Early days, aeidad just a spectator. Now, since aeidad can command well both his legs, he is part of the show.

The bolsters and pillow trick. You pin someone in between, like a hotdog, and other will jump on top. the idea is to find inner peace...naaahhhhh!! Deliberately to hurt others lah! And they done it to Aeidad. Only his loud crying makes me enter the room and do the hotdog moves back to them as a lesson that it is wrong to do it without me around....aih haha

Abang loves to draw. He can draw numerous designs of car. At his age, im really impress of his art works. It all started with few strokes i taught him. then he started to do his own scratch. To me, he is my Chip Foose. He will not miss to draw spoiller, sport rim, exhaust pipe and fancy livery. cool... As for Maeko, he is the parrot of his brother. Usually he will do everything that his brother does. He do drawing too. More like a splat to me than a car. Lately he did drew small cute cars. after being taught by Naseem. Funny tough. In aeidad case, the paper, pencil and crayon still look yummy.

Its midnight, i ought to stop. Got to work tomorrow, then to Uni at the afternoon. Have to post this, raw. See you till next time! Have a 'stuntoneous' day!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


heroes having fun
its been ages since my last scratch on me blog. i know I've promised to finish the airlines saga storm thingie. but naahhhh, im kinda over it now. its my blog, im in control haha.

it is amazing how many songs you have heard along the way you're aging. and every songs really play quite a significant impact on certain time in our lives. agree? you have to agree. now while scratching me blog im listening to lenny kravitz's song. wow..its been ages...

we tend to compare. compared things, every-things. i have been to Sabah, twice miraculously, last month. i guess ones got to be prepared to what they wish for, it might get out of  hand haha.  yup, Sabah shows me what beaches are all about. Manukan though, kinda not so great island for local Sabahan compared to those island at Sipadan, Mataking etc. yet it set up quite an impressive bench mark. at least for me. put in mind about the crystal clear water, white sands, corals, fishes, skimpy bikinis errr...

and today i went to ours beach here in Kuching with the heroes. the awwww just gone. lets start with the crystal clear water, its just mediocre. we really need to do some major surgery to our tourism ideas of where or what is the great beaches are all about here in Kuching. i think the authorities should zoom to Sematan area to get the blue yonder feeling. Farrrr you might blurt out. come-on, the journey already contribute half of the fun. i mean they should really utilize those cove, and beaches that really showing their true commercial values. develop them. im sure our weekend here in Kuching will be much more colorful. yeah, they can built the mighty dam, to set up a nice place in already existing picturesque spot will be a zippy. maok ka sik jak.

Aeidad on learning curve
2 more weeks, im off to Langkawi, with the lot. i believe its going to be a zany vacation haha. the boys will be the main character as usual. it will be my inaugural step on that island. poor me. expecting the great beaches, crystal clear water bla bla. but i heard it is not as it used to be before. hmmm i have to witness that to concur.

thats it, till then. adios.

Monday, February 28, 2011

AA vs FF

yup, me back. after the dreaded looting saga im kinda stop blogging. nothing to do with the jam ilang i suppose, just the old penyakit-malas heheh

i guess its quite a while. i've noticed a lot of me friends started to blogging. up to the certain point that i ponder, i used to have one. i am having one hahah

what i have missed? to type in here i meant. the middle east fiasco, state election, aha and the latest one PKFZ. that's pretty big. ehmm don't want to bla bla about that, let other people do that.

what i want to share with you is the FireFly! yup the new low cost airlines suppose to kick air asia in the butt and let others to have a piece out of  that economic pie. whatever it is, kudos to air asia by keeping the profit margin high and conferred with same awards http://www.airasia.com/vn/en/corporate/awards.html again and again...phewww. smiling all the away huh Tony.

Firefly what i can  say is a decent attempt by MAS to give a stir in this race. pretty darn goooood one. as a consumer for me i am gladly enough to have firefly around. don't you? of course there will be price war, destinations spat among those two, air route fights, run away issues and many more...sigh... nice....we as a consumer will gain out of it.

ok lets start to compare those basics things first, regardless intangible virtues.

Air Asia-------------------------------new fleets (10 points!)
FireFly-------------------------------old fleets (0 point)
Air Asia------------------------------old ladder trick(0 points)
FireFly-------------------------------aerobridge (10 points) just awesome time ujan!
Air Asia-------------------------------web check in(10 points) just awesome if u going to be late
FireFly--------------------------------no web check in(0 point) shuckss
Air Asia-------------------------------landing Lcct(0 point) macam gudang
Fire Fly--------------------------------KLIA (10 points)
Air Asia--------------------------------less delayed flight (10 points)
Fire Fly--------------------------------frequent delayed flight (0 point)

there you have it, AA vs FF 30 to 20. close indeed. that is a straight head to head comparison from a normal passenger like me. maybe you have other criterion that you would like to chip into. my personal opinion, both are good, its always the promotion that driven their sales contribution.

likely, there will be a beautiful long healthy competition between those two. other thing, FF fleets are better for our domestic destination, just my humble opinion. why? i tell you latter. believe me, it make me stayed on the flight longer than usual, made me chat with other passenger for the last 30 minutes....(plus some dark cloud and twice landing attempt!!)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Nak jadi kisah, Rabu last week, 24 nov, jam ku ilang. kenak curi di rumah. cayak tak urg dalam antara kol 7.30 sampei kol 8 malam gia. gik cangok cangok aku di rumah ya...

camtok citanya. besala bila pulang keja ilek ilek la depan tb. tap tap jiranku yang super duper friendly ya sedekah beger. uihh best. suk la aku kedirik sambil ningas nang cun menar la housing baru ku tok. dah ya mula la main2 ngan heroes aku 3 orang ya. alu bukak la aku dak jam ngan cincin engkah atas meja dlm study room rah blakang...

puas nyakat miaks, aku pun mandik la. nak kuar ke emart meli dak lampin kata biniku tek. dah mandik ngan betola jak aku ncarik la jam ku tek. aksesori la nak. ya biniku madah, ada lam bilit ya nya last nagga. aihh pa sikda ku madah. alu ati ku rasa sik nyaman. alu aku nenga bunyi skress skress rah luar. bungkas la aku kuar. dari depan aku jln rah porch keta, aku notice penjan blakang sik selari. aku ada penyakit sik tahan nangga barang sik synchronize, kdak Monk la sikit. pelikkk aihh. terus ke penjan nok ajar ya. tangga ku netting nyamok betutup. aihhh knak curikah piker ku lam ati, tp apa net tok betutup koh..

sik puas ati, pegi ku ke blakang. petang juak rah alley ya. pagar blakang tinggi. ada barb wire gik. ya aku nangga kelibat urang tetundok tundok. pencuri duhal, kimen juak. alu aku nerais hoiii kau@@#&^%%$$ dengan harapan jiran lain tek alu bangkit. ya pencuri ya lari, melompat nya pagar alley mek urang nang laju kali jak. nang kedak pusak ncuri ikan kembong. pep pap pep lompat pagar alu ilang! chehhh

duhal jiran immediate aku sebelah ya kuar time ya, nok sama betemu buntut rumah ya anti sosial. alahai.....mati kutu aku d gasaknya. kuar la bini terchenta ku nanyak apa hal. ehmmm ada penchuri lah jawab ku. kakya aku alu geram sak ati, retinya salu la menatang ya ngendap rumah mek urang. caka juak.

post mortem. pencuri ya nunggu aku mandik, kompom urg sik kuar dr balit mandik sukati nak. bunyi aik indicator masa untok nya ncuri. bini aku rah depan melayan dak heroes. nok aku fed up gilak, nya ada liberty gik nutup netting nyamok sak mek urg sik saspek knak curi. kira rh mek urang tek k abas from time to time laaa.

ya bini ku madah, singan ya jak la rezeki jam kitak ya. aku redhoo jak la. kak ya mek urg tetap juak la ke emart walu ati ku sedehh. mun aku nemu miak ya siap nya.... bye bye Tissot....waaawaaaaa

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I suppose to revise my subject tonight, but end up playing with my blog's setting. one thing leads to another. then i think my blog title sounds so skema, so i thought to change it. and there you have it, The Backyard Heroes, sounds more like it!

with my 2 kids, i have real time, 3D, first hand experience of what is it about being the heroes. of course laa all three of us the heroes with one still in the pipe line (baby Aeidad). my two boys most of the time do their own stunts too. haaa! amazed?

for record, both Naseem and Hakeem had cuts on their forehead before. luckily do not need stitches. some gluing just do the trick.  don't get me wrong, the doctor do all the gluing laa...you should be there when they come to you with blood on their faces. macam sidak gusti. then got extra treatment from papa first before went to the hospital, as what one of them always say to the other 'gik sa...hooo' (..when the other being scolded)

since we moved to the new house, lot of new uncharted 'fun zone' successfully detected by those two. for instance, bigger room means, bigger landing zone. i even caught Abang wooing Hakeem to jump off from the table and he already gathered his might to do so. only me entering the room after eavesdropping to their brilliant plan ruining their enthusiasm.

i really love it when they pretend to help me during every time i'm washing the car. it always started well, with both bros brushing the tires, wiping the car. but after a few minutes, then they started to wipe the flowers, their bicycle, looking at the cat with full attention to..., play monsters, fight of who having bigger bubbles...and always end-up crying looking for their mama after being sprayed with water. papa always win.

next posts i will tell you about the fate of being the littlest brother. bullies are all around....my boys realllllyyy make my day. love them. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

exam leads to dimentia

that dreaded word is lingering again. air is fill with it. it is kinda suffocating. i just cant stand it any more!!! yup, exam is here again.

next month will be the final throw of the dice for this sem. as usually, i take it casually. nothing serious. hmm maybe im already preoccupied by other thing, maybe, like....budgeting my monthly ever expanding expenses!!

assignments still need to be done. one still in progress...in progress...in progress... from the beginning of the sem hoho. hmm just watched expendables yesterday. somehow that urgency of doing the assignments be easily tamed by movie urgency. (aku insan yang lemah..) Parental Guidance, please if u want to watch that movie with your kids. just a simple beat 'em up movie. no heavy thinking needed.

raya just over. some are still gawking at others majlis ramah tamah and saying 'aku punye lagi meriah'. adat la manusia. baju melayu worn just for a few time. the smells of the kueh kinda stuck on it. no lah...my wife do the laundry diligently la, just literally lah the smells. why suddenly im talking about kueh??

exam, what can we do about it. sings as the standard measurable tools in accessing students performance. if just there is other way of conducting it. why it must be a brain drenching thing? i mean, to memorize all those nonsense. for example, how many of us going to use the fact that phi is a something to measure circle? that's cow have 3 or 4 tummies. i want to learn something that really of my interest. for example, how to get rich in this filthy capitalist(or 'semi' they called it huh..) system, or how to become a politician and manipulate my position so good that i can become a multi billionaire, or how i can own a company and make profit just by passed the contract to other contractor and still make a filthy 20-30% margin transfer fee out of it......i better get shut up before i wake somebody important hehe

yeah, exam indeed near. i became berzerk out of it. hmmm that global marketing book sure look too dull for me to read yet....maybe tomorrow i started to look at it hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....