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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I suppose to revise my subject tonight, but end up playing with my blog's setting. one thing leads to another. then i think my blog title sounds so skema, so i thought to change it. and there you have it, The Backyard Heroes, sounds more like it!

with my 2 kids, i have real time, 3D, first hand experience of what is it about being the heroes. of course laa all three of us the heroes with one still in the pipe line (baby Aeidad). my two boys most of the time do their own stunts too. haaa! amazed?

for record, both Naseem and Hakeem had cuts on their forehead before. luckily do not need stitches. some gluing just do the trick.  don't get me wrong, the doctor do all the gluing laa...you should be there when they come to you with blood on their faces. macam sidak gusti. then got extra treatment from papa first before went to the hospital, as what one of them always say to the other 'gik sa...hooo' (..when the other being scolded)

since we moved to the new house, lot of new uncharted 'fun zone' successfully detected by those two. for instance, bigger room means, bigger landing zone. i even caught Abang wooing Hakeem to jump off from the table and he already gathered his might to do so. only me entering the room after eavesdropping to their brilliant plan ruining their enthusiasm.

i really love it when they pretend to help me during every time i'm washing the car. it always started well, with both bros brushing the tires, wiping the car. but after a few minutes, then they started to wipe the flowers, their bicycle, looking at the cat with full attention to..., play monsters, fight of who having bigger bubbles...and always end-up crying looking for their mama after being sprayed with water. papa always win.

next posts i will tell you about the fate of being the littlest brother. bullies are all around....my boys realllllyyy make my day. love them. :)

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