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Saturday, July 2, 2011


heroes having fun
its been ages since my last scratch on me blog. i know I've promised to finish the airlines saga storm thingie. but naahhhh, im kinda over it now. its my blog, im in control haha.

it is amazing how many songs you have heard along the way you're aging. and every songs really play quite a significant impact on certain time in our lives. agree? you have to agree. now while scratching me blog im listening to lenny kravitz's song. wow..its been ages...

we tend to compare. compared things, every-things. i have been to Sabah, twice miraculously, last month. i guess ones got to be prepared to what they wish for, it might get out of  hand haha.  yup, Sabah shows me what beaches are all about. Manukan though, kinda not so great island for local Sabahan compared to those island at Sipadan, Mataking etc. yet it set up quite an impressive bench mark. at least for me. put in mind about the crystal clear water, white sands, corals, fishes, skimpy bikinis errr...

and today i went to ours beach here in Kuching with the heroes. the awwww just gone. lets start with the crystal clear water, its just mediocre. we really need to do some major surgery to our tourism ideas of where or what is the great beaches are all about here in Kuching. i think the authorities should zoom to Sematan area to get the blue yonder feeling. Farrrr you might blurt out. come-on, the journey already contribute half of the fun. i mean they should really utilize those cove, and beaches that really showing their true commercial values. develop them. im sure our weekend here in Kuching will be much more colorful. yeah, they can built the mighty dam, to set up a nice place in already existing picturesque spot will be a zippy. maok ka sik jak.

Aeidad on learning curve
2 more weeks, im off to Langkawi, with the lot. i believe its going to be a zany vacation haha. the boys will be the main character as usual. it will be my inaugural step on that island. poor me. expecting the great beaches, crystal clear water bla bla. but i heard it is not as it used to be before. hmmm i have to witness that to concur.

thats it, till then. adios.

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