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Monday, February 28, 2011

AA vs FF

yup, me back. after the dreaded looting saga im kinda stop blogging. nothing to do with the jam ilang i suppose, just the old penyakit-malas heheh

i guess its quite a while. i've noticed a lot of me friends started to blogging. up to the certain point that i ponder, i used to have one. i am having one hahah

what i have missed? to type in here i meant. the middle east fiasco, state election, aha and the latest one PKFZ. that's pretty big. ehmm don't want to bla bla about that, let other people do that.

what i want to share with you is the FireFly! yup the new low cost airlines suppose to kick air asia in the butt and let others to have a piece out of  that economic pie. whatever it is, kudos to air asia by keeping the profit margin high and conferred with same awards http://www.airasia.com/vn/en/corporate/awards.html again and again...phewww. smiling all the away huh Tony.

Firefly what i can  say is a decent attempt by MAS to give a stir in this race. pretty darn goooood one. as a consumer for me i am gladly enough to have firefly around. don't you? of course there will be price war, destinations spat among those two, air route fights, run away issues and many more...sigh... nice....we as a consumer will gain out of it.

ok lets start to compare those basics things first, regardless intangible virtues.

Air Asia-------------------------------new fleets (10 points!)
FireFly-------------------------------old fleets (0 point)
Air Asia------------------------------old ladder trick(0 points)
FireFly-------------------------------aerobridge (10 points) just awesome time ujan!
Air Asia-------------------------------web check in(10 points) just awesome if u going to be late
FireFly--------------------------------no web check in(0 point) shuckss
Air Asia-------------------------------landing Lcct(0 point) macam gudang
Fire Fly--------------------------------KLIA (10 points)
Air Asia--------------------------------less delayed flight (10 points)
Fire Fly--------------------------------frequent delayed flight (0 point)

there you have it, AA vs FF 30 to 20. close indeed. that is a straight head to head comparison from a normal passenger like me. maybe you have other criterion that you would like to chip into. my personal opinion, both are good, its always the promotion that driven their sales contribution.

likely, there will be a beautiful long healthy competition between those two. other thing, FF fleets are better for our domestic destination, just my humble opinion. why? i tell you latter. believe me, it make me stayed on the flight longer than usual, made me chat with other passenger for the last 30 minutes....(plus some dark cloud and twice landing attempt!!)

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