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Saturday, September 15, 2012


weekend is here again. i love weekend. it is the day that we can longing for the whole day without care. yes, that was the past, history, after the emerging of my 4 boys, now it is totally the different scenario.

tomorrow is Sunday. i've promised Abang and Hakeem to buy them Ultramens. blue and red. actually tonite we went to this local shopping complex Hopoh at 9pm to get their new facinations. unfortunately it is closing time. such a heart broken time for those two ultramen fan boys since we have to leave that white squared building empty handed. Hakeem couldnt accept the reality that the shop can be closed, keep asking why the mission come to a halt. spoiling his mood, everything now suddenly centralised on that action hero that he couldnt have. the weird thing for him was that it is so close yet so far, of course la, went there then still dont buy any bahhh. hmmm

abang, he is the cunning one. he aim for somthing else, Machinarium in the ipad. he is so obsessed with that robot game, he is teaching Hakeem to become the robot and mimicks the actions. then both of them walking around the house try to solve imaginative obstacles, just like the game. the game actually tageting at young adult and it is indeed quite hard without any walktrough. during our dinner, i tought him that walktrough can be accessed from you tube. i can see his eye gleaming with excitemnet. the ipad battery wont last longer after this....

as for aeidad, he is in this button, gadget, messing phase. enjoying the kindy singing video, cars 2, scribbling, eating with his hand and still think that his little brother is a toy. Baby Momo, most of the time fighting his pacifier, can only see yet cannot respond to his brothers kissing and taps on the head. aisehh, i still wonder, what that ultramen syndrom suddendly caught those two? i dont see any monster attcking japan in XD Disney channel lately. ahhh kids...love them